If you encounter any problems when trying to update the MIKI-D firmware on a Windows 7 or 8 PC ( not Window 10 !), messages like:

  • Error: Cannot Switch device to program mode !
  • Device driver error, not installed
  • No MIKI-D found ..

you can check in the windows device manager:

if you see a “Other devices” called “uMi communications port”:then the MIKI-D is ready for programming the firmware, but windows does not have the right driver installed.

To fix this you can install the driver manually, following these steps:

  1. Right click on the device: “uMi Communications port” in the windows Device Manager, and click on “Update Device Software..”:
  2. Select “Browse my “Computer…” :
  3. Select the location where the driver is. The driver is installed in the same directory as the MIKI-D Control software, so “C:\Progam Files (x86)\Miki-D Control” :
  4. Windows will now install the driver, hopefully showing:and in the device manager you can see the right device (COM number can differ):
  5. Restart MIKI-D Control and re-select “Update Firmware.. ” from the Tools menu: You will get a message that the MIKI is allready in programming mode:
  6. Press “Ok” and make sure you have the right Firmware file before you press “Update Firmware” :
  7. The device should now be programmed without an error. In the main MIKI-D Control window it will show up as a connected MIKI. If not , unplug the device, restart MIKI-D Control and repeat step 5-7.